Yahoo! is Charging USD34.95 for Domain Name?
Few days ago, I received an email from Yahoo! Small Business reminding me to renew one of my domain name with them. Then only I realised that the credit card I registered with them has been replaced few months ago. I didn't really do much as normally, GoDaddy (I have many domain with them) would remind me so many times to renew a domain.
Until yesterday, I received a similar email again, titled "Past-Due Payment Reminder", and the amount was 34.95. I thought it must be in Malaysian Ringgit, however it is still expensive it is showing in Malaysia Ringgit.
So, I think I should find out what actually happened. I found out that Yahoo! has announced that they had increased the price of a domain to USD34.95. Wow... Should I say I'm lucky because I have replaced my credit card? I would have been charged without any notice from them. I didn't receive any email from them telling me the new rates!
Is this a trap? Actually, I bought this domain few years ago from Yahoo! because they were selling a domain for only USD2.99.
Now, I believe the domain should be expired but the website seems to be still running. The email I received was actually came on the day the domain expired.
So, I try to transfer the domain to GoDaddy. GoDaddy seems to be making so much business from Yahoo's new domain price. They even wrote a PDF guide to help you transfer domain from Yahoo.
I'm still not sure whether it would work, since the domain is expired. Nonetheless, I have done everything stated in the guide. The final stage would be to wait for Yahoo registrar to approve the transfer.
Wish me luck!
(Anyhow, the domain does not have anything running, so I think if I were to choose between paying USD34.95 or lose it, I would prefer to lose it!)
Update: Transfer successful!
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