
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

Upgraded to WordPress 2.8.1

July 10th, 2009

I've just upgraded this blog to version 2.8.1. Planning to do so since months ago. Finally I was forced to do so because I was not able to upload any media to this blog. Not sure whether this blog got hacked again or it's a problem with the old version.


I was expecting to see more in the admin page but I only see layout changes. I remember the surprise when I last upgraded. Anyway, WordPress is already doing a very good job. I really appreciate it.

If you see any disorders when you are at my blog (or RSS readers), do drop me a comment.

If my article helped you solved your problem, consider buy me a beer!

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2 Responses

Felix Leong says:

I wonder whether it’s because the host’s recent decision to utilize suPHP that causes the upload problem… But either way, the upload works with the WP upgrade and no point trying to find what’s wrong of something that has been fixed. 😉

Been noticing the Spam Karma2 thingy at the footer, probably something that might consider removing?

EngLee says:

Heh.. didn’t notice the footer. It might be good the give acknowledgement to the plugin writer. But I’ll remove it based on reader’s request! 😛