Wednesday, July 12th, 2006

I received an invitation from HardwareZone to attend Open Source Symposium 2006 event organised by redhat. Here's the content of the email:
Experience the Power of Open Source Architecture
Feeling helpless and trapped with your existing proprietary platform and applications?
Held ransom by costly software upgrades?
Open source innovation is not a fad. It is here to stay. Enterprises around the world have migrated to Linux because they used to be as frustrated as you. Things happen for a reason. Especially good things. Isn’t it time you make them happen?
Hear what Linux users have to say
The revolution of choice continues. Come August, Red Hat will kick off a series of open source symposiums across 14 cities in Asia Pacific. Rediscover choice in mission critical enterprise computing face-to-face with Linux communities, including developers and users, customers and industry watchers. This is where your doubts and the myths about open source will be debunked.
Spend a day with us and you’ll see.
The details of the event in Kuala Lumpur is as follows:
- Date: 6-7 September 2006 (Agenda)
- Time: 9.00am - 5.30pm
- Venue: Carlton Conference Centre
The Ritz -Carlton Kuala Lumpur Banquet Hall, Level 3
168 Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur 55100, Malaysia
Developers: Do note that there's a session for you.
The registration is free for the first 50. So, be first to register!
Besides Kuala Lumpur, the event will also be held at other cities: Beijing, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Guangzhou, Bangkok, Manila, Mumbai, Bangalore, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland.
Get more details from the official website of Open Source Symposium 2006.
Wednesday, June 21st, 2006
I read from digg that says that Vista performs as good as XP on same hardware. How true is it? It was proved by a test run by Daniel A. Begun from CNET.
We expected to see "beta bloat" hamper the overall performance of the Vista beta, but that was not the case. Vista and XP both ran our iTunes encoding test in the same amount of time. Even more surprising, Vista was actually almost 6 percent faster than XP on our Adobe Photoshop CS2 image-processing test. The F.E.A.R. scores were close but not identical. The takeaway from the F.E.A.R. scores, however, is that at least for this one game, DirectX 10 is not only stable, but the current DX 10 beta version is showing comparable performance to DX 9.
After reading that article, I don't think the same way. Well, look at the hardware settings:
We loaded Windows Vista beta 2 (build 5384) and Windows XP Professional SP2 on a 3.2GHz Pentium 4, with 1GB of DDR2 memory running at 664MHz and an ATI Radeon X850 XT graphics card.
How about 800MHz Pentium III, with 512MB of SD-RAMs and Riva TNT2 AGP? I'm sure Windows XP can run very smoothly on such settings, but Windows Vista will not fit into such a machine.
Agree or not? Have your say (shoot me if I'm wrong).
Monday, June 12th, 2006
Windows Vista Beta is available for download at Microsoft website, if you didn't hear about the big news lately. Alternatively, you may download it through BitTorrent (Good job, Chris and Jake). Then, you can dual-boot Windows Vista with your Windows XP with this Lifehacker tip.
I'm not ready for such huge installation for myself. I've too many thing in progress and can't afford to lose any data as the beta operating system might cause instability. Hope you can try it out! Have fun.
Thursday, June 8th, 2006
Heard from szehau that Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support) is out. I'm sure that I'm quite outdated. I've just requested for the CDs.

Some related links:
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006
It seems like Microsoft is having fun delaying their upcoming Windows Vista. They first decided to release it end of this year. Then, they delayed it to beginning of 2007. Now, they are going to make us wait another 3 months to improve the product's quality.
In Reuters:
Gartner targets a Windows Vista release in the April-June quarter of 2007, nine to 12 months after Microsoft conducts a second major test, or "beta," release for Vista during the current quarter.
I've upgraded my RAMs for it, but the operating system still has a long way to be released.
Anything you want to say?