Embed Windows Media Player for Firefox
I have done some Google searches researchs recently to fulfill the requirements of a project. One of them is to embed audio player in them web-based system, which will be played in Mozilla Firefox.
Server side
The HTML code that works for me:
<OBJECT id="Player" type="application/x-ms-wmp" width="210" height="45"> <PARAM name="autostart" value="false"/> <PARAM NAME="URL" VALUE="test-mp3.mp3"> <PARAM name="PlayCount" value="1"> </OBJECT>
Client side
In Firefox, I found that I'll have to install a plug-in from Port25: Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin
The better solution might be to use Flash media player, but most of it are not suitable for a commercial product (unless I write a new one?).
Do comment if you have better recommendations!
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