
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

Disable Self Pings (WordPress)

April 20th, 2008

Linking to own blog is something that every blogger does. Normally, after I finish writing a blog, I shall receive email notifying that I'm receiving ping(s) from the blog post I have just written. Then, I had to delete the mail (it's polluting my pure inbox), then delete the ping manually. I can accept ping from other blogs, I just don't like to see my own ping showing up in my own blog.

Just days ago, when I was browsing in WordPress support forum, I saw somebody asked how to disable self pings. I never thought somebody actually created a WordPress plugin to do this.

Go here to get it for yourself: No Self Pings

(This is also a test post to know whether it really works)

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One Response

FileMaker Freeware says:

Exactly what I need of my sites, thanks for sharin!