
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

Make WordPress Post on Blogger

September 19th, 2005

The main reason I switched to WordPress is the power to customize. The first thing I did after installing WordPress was to add a few lines of code to automatically send email to Blogger to make posting. Since I've just moved the location of my blog, I hope that my loyal readers at my old blog would come over here.

What I did was to make the script send an email to my Blogger email posting address. The script will only mail the title and the permalink of my new post. Since I'm new in WordPress world, I don't know whether I'm doing the correct thing to customize the source code manually or I should develop a plugin to do the job. Or, probably there's already plugin to do the job. Will anyone need something like this?

Check my Life as Programmer blog for the output.

By the way, how tough is it to develop a plugin?

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5 Responses

Edrei says:

Its easy when you know php. You just got to know how to implement the hooks properly. You can check the codex for all the resource you need on developing a plugin. But be prepared though. I.6 is coming out soon, I don’t know how much of the core codes will change but no reason why you should develop this plugin beforehand.

EngLee says:

I’ll look into it! I never aware of new release is an issue for plugin developer. Thanks for your advice.

Edrei says:

Oh yeah definitely. When wordpress migrated from 1.2+ to 1.5+, quite a few plugins could not work because of the way the functions worked.

Joseph says:

(my site is down temporarily btw)

Did you ever develop this plugin? I’d like to post directly from WP to Blogger.

Alex says:


While a bit of a dated post, this kind of plugin would be exactly what I need! I don’t know squat about scripts but am trying to learn.

It’s interesting that this isn’t more common like posting to twitter.