
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

YPN For U.S. Only?

November 2nd, 2005

I've seen some blogs and sites showing "Ads by Yahoo!". There are even some of them doing alternating ads between Yahoo and Google ads. So, I went to Yahoo! Publisher Network to try registering.

I see that it’s still in BETA but I see a link for me to register, to be part of the program. The link leads me to a registration page. On top of the registration page, it reads:

To be considered for the Yahoo! Publisher Network beta program, please enter your information below. Participants of the program must have a valid U.S. Social Security or Tax ID number, and web site content that is predominantly in English and targeted at a U.S. user base.

Since it’s a requirement to have U.S. Social Security or Tax ID number, is program only available for U.S. citizens? Or, simply the BETA opens for U.S. citizens only?

Hopefully it will be available for everybody soon.

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6 Responses

Danny Foo says:

Maybe after it’s out of the window, Yahoo! will be releasing it to the public. I doubt they won’t wanna contend with Google Adssense.

So patience, youngun. 🙂

EngLee says:

OK OK. 🙂

Still, I’m wondering how some of the non-US blog running YPN at their site.

Elliot Swan says:

Probably just because it’s beta…

EngLee says:

Hopefully that’s the reason. 🙂

Oliver Zheng says:

Aww shucks. I applied about a month ago. Haven’t heard from them since the confirmation email.

EngLee says:

Then, I guess waiting for the real release should be the only option now. 🙁