
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

Ban Comic Sans Font

May 7th, 2008

Philipp Lenssen wrote about using Comic Sans font in the Google AdSense and my first response is... Yuck!

He then mentioned about an initiative to ban Comic Sans font. I'm glad I found a group of people who hates Comic Sans font as much as I do. I can't tell the exact reason why I don't like it, but I really hate to see that font.

The site also created a petition to ban the font.

At this moment, there are only 1,635 signatures and they are aiming for 2,000 since the November of 2005. The number of people who signed is unbelievably small.

I was wondering whether there is actually not that many people that hate the font, or the petition is not well spread?

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2 Responses

Technoprenuer says:

i dont think that you should ban that font. cause.. i like it!! LOL.. no, it’s not fair to ban that font only cause some people think it sucks.. 😛

EngLee says:

I understand that it’s based on personal preferences, but I really don’t like it.

I have just visited your blog. Luckily your blog is not full with Comic Sans wordings.