
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

Chitika’s Multi-Product Unit

June 22nd, 2006

Chitika Multiple-Product Unit

I just received a newsletter from Chitika, telling me that they have come up with a new advertisement unit, the Multi-Product Unit. As the name says, it's a single ad unit with multiple products in it.

When you point your mouse to the small image at the bottom, it will be swapped with the large image, together with all the text on the right updated. For this feature, I find that it is still quite buggy. Have you ever seen a black iPod that looks like a camera? After swapping the products for a few times, I see this (notice the text and the image):

Chitika Multiple-Product Unit - Bug

It's only available in the size of 468x180, which is why I don't put a sample here.

I like it when they are creative to create eMinimalls last time. And now, they have multi-product unit. Keep up the good work, Chitika. (However, they need to do more tests on their product as well!)

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One Response

Sarah from Chitika says:

Hey thanks for bringing this to our attention. Shortly after seeing this post we fixed the problem. Don’t worry, we’re docking the salaries of our QA staff as I write this 😉