
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

Archive for the 'Make a better blog' Category

Fight Comment Spam with Akismet

Friday, December 16th, 2005

I’ve heard of Akismet for quite some time. At that time, I thought the amount of comment spam on my blog is still at acceptable level (once or twice per week). Now, I’m receiving few of them each day! I’m really too lazy to delete them everyday. Hence, Akismet!

Blog Plagiarism

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005

Few days ago, I found one of my blog posts being copied and translated by an unknown guy to another language (which I understand) without stating his reference. I'm not sure how well would a blogger tolerate that, but I really want to write a whole long blog post to criticize on what he did. However, in the end, I didn't do it simply because I find that his blog is not worth a mention. What will you do if you were me?

A Reminder to Backup WP Database

Sunday, December 4th, 2005

I've just made my first backup of my blog database, after 3 months with WordPress. Here's a good guide to backup your database using phpMyAdmin. Always remember to backup once in a while to avoid unnecessary lost.

Troubleshoot A Missing Post In WP

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

Yesterday, when I was trying on w.bloggar, I encountered a situation where my post does not show up on my blog (the main page) but it shows up in admin page. My best guess told me that it must have been caused by database inconsistency that w.bloggar created.

My w.bloggar Experience

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

After I've published my first post on w.bloggar, I'm going to share the process of publishing my first post with the tool.