Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

The annually organised eGenting Programming Competition is here again. If you have not heard of it before, there are basically 2 categories:
- Graduate category for under 26 years old
- Professional category for 26 years old and above
The prizes are very attractive, with cash prizes and job offer for graduate category, and computers and cruise trip for professional category.
Competition Details
- Competition date : 22 September 2007
- Time : 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
- Venue : Resort Convention Centre, Genting Highlands, Malaysia
- Nature : Open-book handwritten programming task
Registration is closing on 31 August 2007. Make sure you don't miss this great chance to win those fabulous prizes and even job offers.
Official website: eGenting Programming Competition
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007
I did not read about any news that Windows Mobile 6 (WM6) for my D810 is already available, but I see a new link in the Dopod Asia member's page.

Besides D810, the WM6 ROM is also available for 838Pro and P800w. Make sure you upgrade yours!
Go here: HTC Upgrading to Windows Mobile 6
Update: It's also available for U1000 model. For full detail on the WM6 upgrade related matters, read here: HTC: Upgrading to Windows Mobile 6

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007
Normally, when you see a long list of pingbacks in your email, you know the spam filter is not working again. So, I thought somebody has managed to break the Spam Karma 2 algorithm. Look at my Gmail inbox:

I was very surprised when I know that they are not spams! Somebody actually has some spare time to review my blog and sent all those pingbacks from one single post. After reading the review, I can't really conclude whether it's a positive or negative review (Or simply just trying to make fun of my blog). Anyway, thanks to Nice4Rice for spending time to research on me and my little blog. At least, I know there are people out there who read my blog.
Read the review: The Blog of a Passionate Programmer by Spud Oregon
...maybe I need an "about" page for them who are interested about my personal stuffs.
Sunday, July 1st, 2007
If you were to view my blog as a graph, this is how it's going to look.

It's drawn based on HTML tags on my site. Get one for yourself at Websites as graphs.