
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

First Time with Picasa Web Albums

June 15th, 2006

After Google launched Picasa Web Albums yesterday, I quickly signed up for limited test. I received my invitation this morning. Here, I write my experience on using Picasa Web Albums for the very first time.

Upon receiving my invitation, I was required to click on a link that brought me to an agreement page with the typical "I agree" button. Then, after logged in with my Gmail account, I don't see any page for me to upload images. I was required asked to download Picasa software (4.6MB). I suppose Picasa software is the only way to upload images to Web Album. You may choose to upload your images through Picasa or the old style browse and upload method, although using Picasa will save you a lot of time.

Download Picasa

After downloading, I was forced to select directories to be scanned by Picasa software. It took around 30 minutes for my Pentium 3 with 4.2GB of images. (This is the reason I uninstalled Picasa software last time)

You will see this link at the top right of your Picasa software.

Sign In to Web Album

Clicking on it will bring you to this:

Sign In Page

Select any number of photos in a album (hold CTRL or SHIFT to help you select multiple), then click on the Web Album button at the bottom of Picasa:

Web Albums Button

Choose your desired upload size then "OK".

Send Photo to Web Albums

Uploading image

Alternatively, if you want to upload via web browser, create an album then upload.

Upload via browser

After uploading (will take quite a long time), you can expect to see your album at:


Take a look at this sample album, or my album.

So, after looking at the steps, what do you think about Picasa Web Albums?

If my article helped you solved your problem, consider buy me a beer!

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5 Responses

gbyeow says:

Looks troublesome. I used Picasa for about 5 minutes before uninstalling it because it was rubbish to me. But the option for upload quality is a nice feature.

EngLee says:

It’s troublesome if you are not using Picasa to organize your photo. It’s an add-on if you already been using Picasa all the while. 🙂

Btw, I see a limit of 250MB upload size. Forgot to mention about it.

LcF says:

MUST install Picasa ?

EngLee says:

Umm.. I didn’t notice that you can also upload your images through the web interface — the old style browse and upload method.

You can do that after you created album.

Viktor L. Takacs says:

I have no problems with Picasa. I think this is one of the best (if not THE best) and nicest picture catalog software.