Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

I just received a newsletter from Chitika, telling me that they have come up with a new advertisement unit, the Multi-Product Unit. As the name says, it's a single ad unit with multiple products in it.
When you point your mouse to the small image at the bottom, it will be swapped with the large image, together with all the text on the right updated. For this feature, I find that it is still quite buggy. Have you ever seen a black iPod that looks like a camera? After swapping the products for a few times, I see this (notice the text and the image):

It's only available in the size of 468x180, which is why I don't put a sample here.
I like it when they are creative to create eMinimalls last time. And now, they have multi-product unit. Keep up the good work, Chitika. (However, they need to do more tests on their product as well!)
Wednesday, June 21st, 2006
Anyone notice the new click-to-play video advertisements from Google Adsense? I have not seen any yet. But I read it in "What's New - June 2006".
If you would like to enable video ads to be displayed on your website, do these:
- Add in ads with any of these formats: Medium Rectangle (300 X 250), Large Rectangle (336 X 280), and Square (250 X 250)
- Choose "Image ads only" or "Text and image ads" for that specific ad
Although you have it configured correctly, you probably won't be seeing them straight away. On this issue, Google (Help Center) has this to say:
Note that as there is currently limited video ad inventory, you may not notice any ads on your site for some time. As our inventory grows, you may begin to see video ads appear on your pages. In the meantime, we recommend opting in to both text and image ads for your ads units to ensure you're getting the ads that represent the maximum revenue potential for you.
Let me know how cool is it, if you have seen any. Google has them in their ads format page (scroll down).
Clicking on play button will show "buffering".

After buffering, the video will play.

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006
I read from digg that says that Vista performs as good as XP on same hardware. How true is it? It was proved by a test run by Daniel A. Begun from CNET.
We expected to see "beta bloat" hamper the overall performance of the Vista beta, but that was not the case. Vista and XP both ran our iTunes encoding test in the same amount of time. Even more surprising, Vista was actually almost 6 percent faster than XP on our Adobe Photoshop CS2 image-processing test. The F.E.A.R. scores were close but not identical. The takeaway from the F.E.A.R. scores, however, is that at least for this one game, DirectX 10 is not only stable, but the current DX 10 beta version is showing comparable performance to DX 9.
After reading that article, I don't think the same way. Well, look at the hardware settings:
We loaded Windows Vista beta 2 (build 5384) and Windows XP Professional SP2 on a 3.2GHz Pentium 4, with 1GB of DDR2 memory running at 664MHz and an ATI Radeon X850 XT graphics card.
How about 800MHz Pentium III, with 512MB of SD-RAMs and Riva TNT2 AGP? I'm sure Windows XP can run very smoothly on such settings, but Windows Vista will not fit into such a machine.
Agree or not? Have your say (shoot me if I'm wrong).
Tuesday, June 20th, 2006
I have heard a lot about game cheat, but have not heard anything about Firefox cheat. Leslie Franke has done a good job to compile all shortcuts for Firefox to fit into a single page. It fits nicely into a single piece of A4 paper when I printed it out just now.
I suggest you keep one on your desk for a few weeks. It will definitely improve your browsing experience with the fox. You wouldn't need it anymore after some time.
Mozilla Firefox Cheat Sheet
(via digg)
Tuesday, June 20th, 2006
I've installed Google Browser Sync, a Firefox extension by Google. I made a few print-screens on what it does, if you are too lazy to install to try it out.
Once you have installed it, you will see this, as soon as you start up your Mozilla Firefox.
