gbyeow says:
Haha. Falling in love with batch and shell script?
EngLee says:
Not really. Created it just to log my office tasks. And also because the proxy server blocked me from downloading the vbscript from Lifehacker. LOL
gbyeow says:
Go PC Fair or not? I’m heading there on Friday morning. Haha. Maybe I’ll drop by the office and disturb you all :p
EngLee says:
I’ll ask them then let you know.
FEPY » Geek to Live: QuickLogger redux says:
[…] Finally, reader EngLee created a very simple 3-liner that can be run from the Windows Command line. […]
Jim Peterson says:
Cool script, I never knew how to get user input in a batch file. Thanks!
Bill Peschel says:
Very nice. I’m going to give it a try. Thank you for making it easier for me.
Letsrock says:
Thank You! I was looking for something like this to help me organize my daily tasks for my performance review and similar to your situation, I can’t run .vbs on my work computer. Ciao!
Peter says:
Brilliantly simple. Will try it as a replacement to my neglected paper log right away.
Richard says:
Amazing what you can with with dumb old DOS commands!!! Thanks – Rich
Mick says:
Nice Script Thanx
Batch is more alive then you think brainless peace off shit
Fabio Cevasco says:
Thanks a lot for your script. I also ended up rolling out my own, although is a little more complex but does a bit more than just logging.
Dan says:
Many thanks! I’m an idiot who couldn’t get the lifehacker script to work, and this is a great tool to use..
Markus says:
Nice script. 😉
You know that you can try something like Logtext too? It does pretty much the same thing but is much more flexible.
Although the software is free of charge the developer still refuses to release the source code.