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Ubuntu (Linux) 6.06 LTS

June 8th, 2006

Heard from szehau that Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support) is out. I'm sure that I'm quite outdated. I've just requested for the CDs.

Ubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS

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3 Responses

Anurag Bhandari says:

I also requested for it about a week ago.
Earlier, about two and a half months ago, I had requested for the Ubuntu 5.10 which has not yet been delivered :(.
I am really awaiting the delivery and more anxious to try it.
Hope, I’ll get it soon.

EngLee says:

Well, it’s delivered from Netherlands. So, it depends on where you live. Wish you luck for it!

For me, I get my 5.10 CDs 1 month after I requested it.

By the way, I have extras 5.10 CDs over here which would be useless after the release of 6.06. If you would like to have it (for collection), just mail me your information at englee[at]enrii[dot]com.

Anurag Bhandari says:

I’ll wait for another one or two weeks. If I still don’t get it, I’ll surely let you know about it.
Thanks for the proposal. 🙂