
A passionate programmer’s findings in the world of internet.

Archive for January, 2006

How To: Getting Started With C#

Saturday, January 7th, 2006

I've worked with a few other .NET languages before, but this is my very first time to get my hands on C#. Since I haven't installed the .NET framework on my very old Windows 2000 (in office), I guess it might be a good idea to write a simple guide on how I get my C# "Hello World" running. So, C# experts, this is not for you, but you can drop me a line if I made any mistakes.

Better Than The Braille Google Logo

Friday, January 6th, 2006

I see that everybody is busy talking about the Braille Google logo during Braille's birthday. To add more Google-logo talks, here's a list of rejected Google logo created by Philipp Lenssen. I'm sure they are worth a look!

Springdoo: Voice Email

Thursday, January 5th, 2006

At times, you might find your fingers are typing slower than you can think. Or probably you are just too lazy to type. With Springdoo, you can type less by sending voice email to your friends.

xajax: Ajax Made Simple

Wednesday, January 4th, 2006

I'm one of the programmers who have heard of Ajax, learnt theorectically how Ajax works, but haven't really produced any Ajax-powered site. If you are somebody like me, I recommend you to take a look at xajax.

Windows Live Mail Beta is Not for Public

Wednesday, January 4th, 2006

MediaPost reported that trying out Windows Live Mail with Some Fool's instructions is actually a security hole by Microsoft.